Behind the Music

Chasing your passion is something people rarely get to do. It requires so much, especially when you have a family and a full-time job. When it came to creating the brand Attorneys with Swag, it required me to step out of my comfort zone. I am normally someone who is always thinking 5 to 10 years down the road, which is a good thing. However, such a long vision can cause you to take fewer risks and as a result, you tend to not live in the moment. You don’t value the now like you should. So when the opportunity came for me to get involved with the creation of our debut album “PRIMIS,” I didn’t exactly jump at the opportunity.

I have always had a passion for music. From 2nd grade, I always had a different instrument in my hand. I can honestly say that I find value in almost any genre of music. But if anything, I imagined if I were to do music or become an artist, it would be behind a musical instrument and not behind a microphone. Not that I couldn’t write lyrics or hold a melody vocally, but because I liked the feel of the music more than the lyrics. I also didn’t want to hinder any other career opportunities that might come my way if someone decided to take my words out of context and use them against me. Being behind the music was the easier way. The more comfortable way.

But if I’m going to do something, especially chase my passion, why would I half ass it? My time is too valuable to half ass anything. So I dived head first and decided to see how well I could hold my own as a writer and lyricist. After almost 2 years of practice and fine tuning the mission of Attorneys with Swag, I found my voice. I expanded my comfort zone and now love writing lyrics that I know are helping people understand the law. And unlike the lyrical artists now days, there is no bragging or cappin behind the mic. Its genuine honest experiences that black folks specifically can relate to. There are real lessons in the lyrics, which is what Attorneys with Swag is all about.

So when it was time to shoot our first debut music video “DEDUCT IT.” I didn’t realize how normal it felt and how ready I was. I wasn’t worried or anxious about how I would look on camera or whether I would mess up my bars. Even the energy from everyone in each scene felt genuine. I loved it. And when you love what you do, it never feels like work.

I hope everyone is able to find some value in our art. Can’t wait for the reveal of our other projects because they only get better from here.


Stop Speeding Down My Block


The Day America Went Mask-less