Swag Gear is Here (Finally... I know)


Our plan was simple. And it was working well.

We created the show. We made the Podcast. We wrote the blogs. We made the music (Yes… we did. You just haven’t heard it yet). We have the social media marketing and branding which is constantly increasing. We were good. Then we casually decided… why not make a hat with our brand on it. Just for us. We didn’t think anything of it.

But man did we underestimate how much of a frenzy these damn beanies were gonna make!

Not gonna lie. We were busy discussing, writing and making music about the law as well as developing our roll out plan for 2021. We totally did not realize how much people liked our Swag hats - particularly the modern red beanies. All it took was one little IG post of a young 3-year old king casually standing outside his preschool in a red AWS beanie, and people from far and near lost their shit. Seriously, humbly speaking, our DMs went crazy. People all over the country, including attorneys from other states, sent IG messages wanting one ASAP. And don’t even ask about our family and friends…. They didn’t ask. They made demands. I will apologize that we took so long (long enough for some of those demands to turn into threats) but hey…. WE GOT EM IN STOCK AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE! And just in time for the holiday season.

We did have to push some dates back and sacrifice some real work time and family time (meh….) to get the site updated to handle ecommerce traffic, but it was worth it. Our Swag shop is open and fully automated… waiting and ready to supply all 50 states with Swag gear. And best yet….. SHIPPING IS FREE! So jump on that while we have it.

Lastly, despite all the madness generated over the red beanies, don’t stop there. We still have our classic t-shirts which are a staple of the brand as well as pens, pins, bags, stickers. We also have added our A.B.E. (All Black Everything) shirt which has recently become very popular and is a must have for our upcoming Black History events coming up in February 2021.

Obviously, there will be more to come so keep an eye out! Check us out at www.attorneyswithswag.com/shop-aws now before we run out again!


The Meaning behind "The Jury’s Out" Podcast


Thank you for the Bigger Cup