Jack Gomez
Straight outta Coney Island, Brooklyn, our very own Jack Gomez has dedicated his life to serving the kids for over a decade. Following in the footsteps of his mother, who was also a teacher, Jack works with the Department of Education assisting teachers in classrooms and working 1 to 1 with students who are alternative learners.
When asked why teaching is so hard, Jack says the lack of resources is a big part but also people just need to value the work teachers do. “Value teachers more. Education sharpens the mind to cut through the bullshit of the world. The world is full if liars and tricksters. Intelligence and objective understanding really help you determine who’s lying.”
And when it comes to bullshit, kids are getting better at recognizing it. They often talk to Jack about how the material taught in schools is not important in the real world. But Jack lets them know about why its still important to get their school work done:
“Education within the household is one of the main contributors to a child’s work ethic,” Jack says. “It’s not necessarily what you learn in school, but the work ethic you develop from going to school and putting in the work. Waking up every morning, working for 6 hours, coming home and reviewing. If you want to run a business, keep a job, build something for yourself, you need a solid work ethic.”
All in all, Jack loves his work. While its difficult at times, he reminds himself why he does it. “Of course there are days where I’m asking myself did I do enough or was what I said going to change anything. Kids in urban community’s deal with so much and aren’t always inclined or even able to talk about it. And as an educator, we can’t guess what type of support a student needs if we have no information. But we keep going because if I don’t do it who will?”
“I just want to know in my heart I did my best to change the decision makers of tomorrow. People easily say children are the future but what does the future look like? I want to lead young adults into being more self-aware, self-sufficient, and self-reliant.”
Thanks for all of your hard work and dedication Jack!