Kipton Hinsdale

Meet Kipton Hinsdale – Artist


Kipton Hinsdale is a Brooklyn-born artist with a fine arts degree in printmaking and sculpture from SUNY Purchase.


Ever since Kipton got accept to the prestigious LaGuardia High School for art, he has emersed himself fully in the art field. His works of art are not work at all, but more of a feeling that cannot be recreated from any other career. “When I am creating I get to unleash my emotions. Some would say my art is uncontrollable but I get to control that, that feels powerful to me. When I am in my zone, I get a high or a rush that I don’t get from doing anything else,” he says. “[That feeling] keeps me wanting more and more. It’s a beautiful feeling.”


Most of the work Kipton creates could be categorized as abstract expressionism, often involving gentle brush strokes or mark-making in a spontaneous way. “My art is an expression – a way for me to unleash my own chaos. I create intertwined layering that fits with each other yet fights against each other at the same time. I feel the Abstract Expressionism movement is the main influence in my own art.”


Naming some of his inspirations like Dekooning, Lee Krasner, and Jackson Pollock, he points out the similarities in his passion with their passion. “Krasner and Pollock were married and had a lot of influence on one another. I see a lot of pain in their relationship but also see the connection in their art.  Their story is one of taming the beast (the beast being Pollock).  However, I do feel a beast is necessary when it comes to art because you need that crazy to really stand out and make an impact.”


For more info on Kipton Hinsdale and his upcoming projects, you can check out his official website and follow him on IG @KiptonHinsdale_art. He also has some of his projects on display with @Platinum_Art on IG and KiptonHinsdaleArt on Etsy.




Celia Burgos, LMSW