Comedy is one of the most intimate and intimidating artforms out there. Mastering standup comedy requires years of hard work and dedication… not to mention thick skin to withstand the many times you will bomb, but stick with it and you’ll reap the rewards.


The best way to start is, like everything, taking a class. Yes… there are actual standup comedy classes. Classes help you feel comfortable and normalize your experience. They are also a great way to network with others in the field. It’s also a good idea to try your luck at open mic performances. This can help you find your voice and get a feel for the different crowd types.


Once you get the ball rolling, don’t stop it! Perform as often as you can. Unlike riding a bike, you can get rusty as a comedian. The more time you spend in front of an audience, the better your set will be. Another tip is to always have a notebook handy. Inspiration can hit at any moment and in building your set, you want to jot down jokes or lines as soon as they hit you so you can practice them.


Like everything, there will be ups and downs – comedy is certainly no different and possibly one of the most exhilarating and terrifying experiences at the same time. The biggest thing is to keep practicing! Practicing helps you memorize your routine faster and discover the best pacing for optimal delivery. You can also work on any aspects of your physical presence or gestures that may enhance joke delivery.


No matter how good you think your set is, you should always be open to changes. Treat your audience like your editor and edit according to their reactions. You can do it!


James Prince


Dr. Justin S. Hopkins