IMPERVIOUS is a musical artist born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. After 2 years in the making, he just dropped his first LP Acquainted with the Night which consists of 13 tracks. While he is proud to finally put out his first album, the road was not easy which is what the album is based on.
“The year 2018 was a dark time for me,” he says. “I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, lost my job, my fiancée was cheating on me, and the icing on the cake was when my father left my mom… I was a mess.” He then started going to therapy but it wasn’t working well for him. As a result, he began self-medicating with drugs. “I started letting myself go and using more and more… even became suicidal at one point,” Impervious describes. “It was a dark time.”
The turning point came when he woke up one morning after a night of heavy drug use. He realized he had made several videos that night which showed him singing. While it was hard to watch himself while sober, he loved what he saw and heard. “I was a different person while singing. I didn’t recognize that person. I felt him, I felt the pain, the words, everything… I was shocked.” At that point, following his inspirations Michael Jackson and The Weekend, he started to create music which turned his life around.
“Music, as corny as it sounds, saved me. Being inspired by so many artists, the way they let themselves be vulnerable, it pushed me to do the same.”
Look out for Impervious in 2022 as he continues to promote his album and works on his new projects which will include not just music, but visual arts. Follow him @imperviouss.