Dayna Heckstall, LCSW

Meet Dayna Heckstall, LSCW

Dana is not only a licensed clinical social worker, but she has also been a behavioral health specialist providing therapy to children, families and adults. Handling a case load of about 75 clients, she does a variety of things including counseling, crisis intervention, community organization, mental health evaluations, and treatment planning.


Dana’s passion is to make mental health accessible for everyone – “especially for people who look like me” she says. “Literacy is extremely important and the center of a major issue in this country. How can they get ahead of the game if they don't understand the rules?” As a result, Dana also spends a lot of her time trying to help people catch up.


There is also a great deal of reoccurring trauma in our communities – to the point that it appears and feels normal. But it isn’t. “We need to create more access to child and adult learning. Technology has made Mental health resources more accessible but our focus on trauma healing needs work. Mental health maintenance shouldn't be an anomaly. Self-care would be prioritized before people burn out.”


Thank you Dana for all of your hard work you do in our communities!


You can reach Dana by email at and follow her on IG @mswellandwoke.




Stacy Ann Brown